Reference no: EM132447942
Why is time important in establishing cause and effect?
What is the difference between relative and absolute ages?
What were the important events in the development of the geologic time scale?
The half life of 238U is 4.5 billion years. How old is a rock containing a ratio of the daughter 206PB/238U of 0.5? How old is a rock with a ratio of 0.75?
If the daughter isotope leaks from a mineral, will the leakage cause the age of the mineral to be too old or too young?
Why is it often incorrect to equate rock and time? Use labeled diagrams to explain your answer?
What is the difference between a formation and a facies? Use labeled diagrams in your answer.
Describe the different methods of lithocorrelation.
Compare FADs and LADs to overlapping range zones using labeled diagrams.
How do the biogeographics distributions of species affect their use in biostratigraphic correlation? Use labeled diagrams in your answer.
How do the environmental tolerances of species affect their use in biostratigraphic correlation?
What are the traits of an index fossil?
How is the geologic range of a fossil species determined so it can be used as an index fossil?
What are the approximate durations of (a) overlapping range zones: (b) index fossils (c) geologic epochs (d) geologic periods (e) geologiceras (f) geologic eons?
Diagram a complete depositional sequence, label all systems tracts , and relate the systems tracts to sea level cycles and sedimentation.
What is the difference between an unconformity and a hiatus?
How does sea level vary with process?
Identify active and passive plate margins at various places on earth.
Draw cross sections of each of the following plate boundaries and indicate the relative plate motions: (a) convergent (all three types) (b) divergent (c) transform
What was the evidence used by Hess to conclude that seafloor trenches exits?
How did the recognition of seafloor stripes corrobate plate tectonics?
What short of rocks are found in each of the following settings (a) convergent (all three types) (b) divergent (c) transform?