Reference no: EM131267575
Cause Paper
The cause paper should seek to propose and support three reasons for the development of ONE form of alternative energy, or three causes for addiction to something (could be technology, a drug, or even an action).
It should be five paragraphs, between 3-5 pages long (do not write under three pages under any circumstances), and I need it ready with quality work and professionally done asap.
I expect three sources per body paragraph (six total sources minimum). Each source should have an author, no quote pages or web pages with no names attached.
No use of first or second person is permitted in this paper.
It should be double-spaced 12-point font is required.
Begin the paper with a quote, stat or anecdote.
Remember this is a CAUSE PAPER, do not write about three effects.
No Wikipedia or any other pedia.
Late papers will not be accepted.
Cause Paper Topics (Choose One)
Topic :
Going to Mars
One should certainly organize the subject before writing the paper. Look at the example below as one way to make the paper more specific and interesting.
Below is an example that shows how much content I am expecting in the outline:
Use this shell to help you get started on your Cause Paper.
Before you write your paper, you MUST outline it first!!
The Final paper should be at least 3 pages long (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman font, one inch margins, with numbered pages), 6 pages maximum.
Section 1: INTRODUCTION (about .5 of a page)
1. a.Hook: Draw the reader's attention in - stat, quote or anecdote. (4-6 sentences)
1. a.Preview for the reader what will be covered in your paper
- What is the cause relationship you are examining?
-What did you already know about this topic, and why have you chosen to focus on this?
1. a.Thesis: However, this is not a book report, and should not be presented like one (boooring).
-You will include your thesis statement. See below for examples.
-Last, but not least, your paper must answer the question: SO WHAT?!? IN other words, why is this topic/relationship important, and why should we care about the causes of this particular person, moment, condition, phenomenon?
Your thesis might look like the statements below:
1. Some of the predominant causes of _______________ are ______________, __________ and _______. It is important to understand the relationship amongst these factors because_________.............
Section II: BODY PARAGRAPHS (about 2 pages)
Your body paragraphs will be about background information on your topic, explaining exactly how this topic depicts a cause and effect relationship, asserting each of the multiple causes that you are trying to convince the reader of, and then answering the question of "SO WHAT?" and proving why this topic and your findings are of importance. Your argument must be clear and logical, and you must use evidence from your research to prove your thesis.
I. Cause Identified (Body paragraph 1) Looking at your first cause.
1. a.Topic sentence about this focal point (Who, what, where, when, why, and how are good places to get started)
1. a.Evidence: what background info have you found out in your research? Example: about the history of oppression, or the history of addiction, or the history of ___________- cite your research throughout!
1. 1. i.Additional support
1. 1. i.Additional support
1. a.Assertion that links back to your thesis (make connections
1. a.Transition into the next body paragraph
II. Body Paragraph #2: Analyzing another important cause.
1. a.Topic sentence about this focal point
. a.Evidence about cause A
1. 1. i.Additional support - Research!!!
1. 1. i.Additional support
1. a.Assertion that links back to your thesis (make connections)
1. a.Transition into the next body paragraph
III. Body Paragraph #3: Analyzing another important cause
1. a.Topic sentence about this focal point
1. a.Evidence about cause B
1. 1. i.Additional support
1. 1. i.Additional support
1. 1. i.Additional support
1. a.Assertion that links back to your thesis
1. a.Transition into the conclusion
Conclusion(about 1/2 page)
Your conclusion will convince the reader of the significance of your findings, by answering the question of "SO WHAT?" and proving why this topic, and your research, is of importance. Your argument must be clear and logical, and you must use evidence from your research to prove your thesis.
1. a. Reiterate your thesis (don't restate it verbatim!)
Reiterate your main ideas (A, B, C) and ensure that they have been presented cohesively and all link to the thesis!
1. a.Now go a step further and "But Why" it:
-Why is this thesis an important one to have proven? Why should we care? What could the insights into this topic offer to humanity in terms of understanding other people, events, conditions, phenomenon? How could it help us change the future, or better understand the past?
-End with a bang! Make your paper memorable! (never thank the audience for reading your paper, never end by saying "so you can clearly see that I proved my thesis through this paper" or anything silly like that)