Why is this incident considered a critical incident

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133470570

Answer the following questions:

1. Describe the incident.

2. Who were the players?

3. What occurred?

4. Were there lessons learned?

5. Why is this incident considered a critical incident? What factors relate to critical incidents? Are these factors present in this incident?

6. Discuss the major objectives when responding to a critical incident? What were the major objectives present in the incident hypothetical bioterrorism attack portrayed in the video?

7. Describe the characteristics of a critical incident, and how an individual's command and control affects the progress of the situation.

8. How did the command and control affect the hypothetical situation portrayed in the film?

9. What could have been done better? What lessons were learned?

10. Was ICS used? If not, could using the Incident Command System been beneficial? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133470570

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