Why is there resistance to new ways of thinking in science

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133290656


It's "...better to be lucky than brilliant" according to Stanley Prusiner, the 1997 Nobel laureate for physiology or medicine.

In the documentary "Jim Allison: Breakthrough", Dr. Allison's pioneering research of a revolutionary new cancer treatment depends on both serendipity (luck) and persistence.

In your primary discussion post, give a specific example from the video of when either innovation or persistence played a role in the story of scientific discovery. The example can involve Dr. Allison or one of his colleagues. Questions you might consider include: Why is creativity important in science? Why is there resistance to new ways of thinking in science? In what way does intellect (a prepared mind) play a role in how we react to luck or decide when to persist?

Reference no: EM133290656

Questions Cloud

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Define a taxonomic subtribe : If we define a taxonomic subtribe (the Australopithicina) that includes the genera Australopithecus and Paranthropus, to be monophyletic.
Discuss the 3p5 sleep alcohol and nutrition ?t in : Discuss the immediate, intermediate, and long term stress reactions and the long term body effects. Discuss how the "3P5", sleep, alcohol and nutrition ?t in.
What is a zoonotic disease : What is a zoonotic disease? Other than the Covid-19 virus, what are other examples of zoonotic diseases?
Why is there resistance to new ways of thinking in science : Questions you might consider include: Why is creativity important in science? Why is there resistance to new ways of thinking in science?
What substances are filtered out of blood at glomerulus : What substances are being filtered out of the blood at the glomerulus, and which substances stay in the blood?
How does one achieve limited protease digestion : How does one achieve limited protease digestion? Why are two different primers required for the PCR reaction?
Why a child who goes to school without eating breakfast : Explain why a child who goes to school without eating breakfast would have difficulty concentrating on schoolwork.
Relationships between dysfunctional family members : The Bluth family is a wealthy family that is constantly in turmoil due to the dysfunctional relationships between the family members.


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