Reference no: EM133360417
Through play, children refine their movements to achieve their goals. At all levels of development, you can find similar examples of how play fosters learning for a child. The concept and value of play remain one of the topmost widely debated hot topics in the field of early childhood education. However, there is an abundance of research that addresses the benefit of play for children and adults.
For this discussion, you must apply what you learn from the video clip below from the Bernard van Leer Foundation in the Netherlands. "What a gift we give a child when we take them to the park, to the beach" - in this clip from The Beginning of Life, child development experts explain why young children benefit from exploring the natural world.
In your initial response, share your thoughts on the following:
- Why is the issue of play widely debated? Why have some schools canceled recess in favor of more extended academic periods?
- Why do you think children are not encouraged to play outdoors when they are home?
- What did you learn from the clip from "Beginnings of Life" that supports the research that shows that play is critical for healthy child development?
In your replies to others, comment on what they shared and add your thoughts about why as intentional early childhood teachers, it's important to advocate for play with informed theory and knowledge of the developmentally appropriate practice (DAP).
ON YOUTUBE, THERE IS A VIDEO CALLED Why children need to play in nature BY Bernard van Leer Foundation.