Why is the er model considered a top-down approach

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131516336

Question: 1. Why is the ER model considered a top-down approach? Describe the four basic components of the ER model.

2. Describe what relationship types represent in an ER model and provide examples of unary, binary, ternary, and
quaternary relationships

3. The ER model uses a number of notations and tags to represent different concepts. Outline how the basic ER components are represented in an ER diagram.

4. Describe what the multiplicity constraint represents for a relationship type.

5. What are integrity constraints and how does multiplicity model these constraints?

6. How does multiplicity represent both the cardinality and the participation constraints on a relationship type?

7. Provide an example of a relationship type with attributes.

8. Distinguish between the Entity-Relationship model and the Entity-Relationship diagram.

9. Describe how fan and chasm traps can occur in an ER model and how they can be resolved.

Reference no: EM131516336

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