Reference no: EM132902231
In a global market in which the industrialised countries are suffering from the relocation of their traditional manufacturing industries, the competitiveness is heavily dependent on research and innovation. The production and use of scientific and technological knowledge has become crucial in this new competitive knowledge society. In this context, the mission of Milan Polytechnic, through its TTO, is to develop and encourage the technology transfer to help the economic regional development. Technology transfer is a tool to enhance research and resolve the apparent conflict between industry and university. The TTO wants to be a common ground for collaboration between Milan Polytechnic and industry, and to contribute Annually, Milan Polytechnic's central government allocates a budget for the operation of TTO (dedicated to the activities). Two-thirds of this budget is spent on the maintenance and management of patent portfolios, whereas a smaller sum is used for spin-offs. In addition to this budget, the TTO self-finances its activities to a considerable extent. This self-financing comes from patent sales, royalties and fees, sale of shares in spin-offs, consulting and involvement in projects.
Problem 1: What false-positive factors could cause ketone bodies to appear in the urine in a non-diabetic patient?
Problem 2: Why is tetanus not seen in a diabetic foot wound?
Problem 3: Can impaired glucose tolerance cause recurrent lower motor facial palsy?
Problem 4: Can long-term diabetes mellitus cause vertigo not accompanied by other brainstem signs?
Problem 5: We know that type 2 diabetes mellitus provokes left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Does chronic stable angina, associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus, further increase the prevalence of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction?
Problem 6: Is there adequate evidence for choosing an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or antagonist for the initial management of raised blood pressure in type 2 diabetes, or is it now advisable to choose any tolerated antihypertensive?
Problem 7: Why is there immunosuppression in diabetes? to the development.
Problem 8: Dextrose infusion in quinine induced hypoglycaemia causes more hypoglycaemia, so what is to be used?
Problem 9: Does the serum cholesterol level rise with age?
Problem 10: Please explain the significance of having normal total high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol but a raised lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] in a normotensive, non-smoking patient?