Why is technology important in physical distribution

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133335181



? Why is technology important in physical distribution?

? How information technology is used in physical distribution?

? What is the role of technology in distribution systems?

? How technology can be applied to improve transportation, warehousing and inventory control?

? The research should include specific examples and real business cases to describe,  support or explain the assignment's content.

Please discuss in detail.

Reference no: EM133335181

Questions Cloud

Develop a position of competitive advantage : Identify resources on a case about a company ABC which used Topic 1 to develop a position of competitive advantage based on the resource based perspective.
Does tv have any room to negotiate on this matter : Minimum order quantity. Consider and recommend other approaches or strategies that Top Value management could take to deal with this issue.
How free is the free market : Whose obligation is it to advocate for workers (how free is the "free market")? What steps do you think could be taken by Canada to ensure that food is grown.
How arrange their affairs with regards to the land they own : How would you arrange their affairs with regards to the land they own? What would you do about their children?
Why is technology important in physical distribution : Why is technology important in physical distribution? How information technology is used in physical distribution?
What are the worker laws : What are the worker laws, average wages and compensations given in Canada and India given to workers?
Explain your skills to be a best candidate in supply chain : Design a resume and explain your skills to be a best candidate in supply chain & logistics.
Identify the hazard and hazardous properties : Using the Hierarchy of Controls, describe techniques or technologies for each level in the hierarchy that would address the hazard in #1 above.
However increased stakeholder involvement : In agile projects, however, increased stakeholder involvement and faster decision making are often required.


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