Why is technology important in international market research

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM133329991


International Trade Research and Analysis

Description - This assignment is an exploratory review conducted to have a better understanding about the topic below.

Topic - The topic for this final assignment is "Technology to Assist International Market Research"

Problem - The purpose of this exploratory review is to answer the question:

"How can technology resources be used to research international markets?"

Learning outcome - At the end of this research, the student should be able to identify and describe, using examples, the technological resources, activities, and processes that can be applied to improve international market research processes.

Content - The basic content of this assignment should answer the following questions:

  • Why is technology important in international market research?
  • How technology is used in international market research?
  • What is the role of technology in today's market research?
  • How can technology be applied to assist market research processes such as gathering, storing, processing, and using market information?
  • The research should include specific examples and real business cases to describe, support or explain the assignment's content.

Reference no: EM133329991

Questions Cloud

How can this report improve an organizations marketplace : If so, what is it and how will you incorporate it? How can this report improve an organization's marketplace position from a Business perspective?
What other approach to vendor quality might they use : Axon uses acceptance sampling for shipments received from suppliers. Describe how this process works. What other approach to vendor quality might they use?
What type of international business : Look up information on one company with international activity. What type of international business would best describe this company: globally sourcing.
How you will design jobs through job specialization : Describe how you will design jobs through Job Specialization - Identify activities, and be very specific with your company.
Why is technology important in international market research : Why is technology important in international market research? How technology is used in international market research?
Identify a global company : Identify a global company and describe 2 examples of how the company measures or tracks the performance of its company.
Importance of culture for international managers : Discuss the importance of understanding culture for international managers and their organizations. Illustrate your answer by defining culture.
Develop a marketing plan : Developing a marketing plan for a friend who just opened a small home accessories and decor store located just off a busy main street in downtown Toronto.
Why would movement be an element to depict in a painting : Even though the image is static/stationary, it also implies movement. Why would movement be an important element to depict in a painting?


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