Reference no: EM132824498
Both of the readings share many common things in it. For example, "supernatural fashion, beauty, grace, and talent are united beyond measure in one single person, in a manner that to whatever such an one turns his attention, his every action is so divine" (Giorgio Vasari). This evidence shows the importance of men that how god creates the intelligent creature that holds many qualities, talents, skills and so many other unique things. So, he used these qualities to give this world a better look in general, common examples are, art and sculpture made by human, many other marvellous monuments, and so many other great things. Likewise, Mirandola also mention in his reading that "A great miracle, Asclepius, is man!" (Pico Della Mirandola). This shows that a man who have so many unique qualities is consider as miracle to the earth. That means god creates him to explore his unique skills and use in a way through which he can creates the world according to his own way.
Moreover, some of other similarities between these readings are: "According to your desires and judgement, you will have and possess whatever place to live, whatever form, and whatever functions you yourself choose" (Pico Della Mirandola). This quote suggests that a person is on his own and neither he is dependent on anyone else nor he have fixed way to live his life. That means a person can choose any path and live according to his wishes. Likewise, in other reading author suggests that "in learning and in the rudiments of letters he would have made great proficience, if he had not been so variable and unstable, for he set himself to learn many things, and then, after having begun them, abandoned them" (Giorgio Vasari). This suggest that he live according to his own terms and condition, for example he chooses the path of not finish a painting and because of unstableness in life he did not achieve so much. But he chooses this way because it was the path that he wants to live in it. So, this prove the evidence used in above reading by Mirandola. Therefore, all these evidences show the similarities between both of the readings.
Thesis: both of the readings share tons of common things in which their main focus was on men who is consider as a wonder to the earth and who is responsible to creates the world on his on terms.
Problem 1: if a person creates his world by his own and chooses any path to live his own life, then why there is set of rules that are in society to regulate human? In which way you look to this contradiction?