Why is pediatric pain management important

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Reference no: EM133509771

Jose is a 10-year-old boy who fell off his skateboard. He has an obvious deformity to his right wrist that has been splinted. He is pale, refuses to move his arm, and is sitting in a rigid position, but he states that his pain is 0 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Subjective Data

  1. Fell from his skateboard 1 hour ago.
  2. Displays no loss of consciousness.
  3. Denies pain.

Objective Data

  1. Weight: 34 kg
  2. Vital signs: temp, 37.0º C; pulse, 116 bpm; resp, 40 breaths/min; blood pressure, 138/74 mm Hg; oxygen (O2) saturation: 100%
  3. Radial pulse: strong
  4. Capillary refill time: brisk to right upper extremity


  1. Why is Pediatric Pain Management Important?
  2. What nonverbal cues might lead Jose's nurse to believe that he is in pain?
  3. Why would a child of Jose's age deny pain that he is having?
  4. What are the preferred routes for administration of pain medications?
  5. What are appropriate pain scales to use for Jose?
  6. What nursing priority(ies) will guide your plan of care? (if more than one-list in order of PRIORITY)
  7. What are the PRIORITY psychosocial needs that this patient and/or family likely have that will need to be addressed?
  8. How can the nurse address these psychosocial needs?
  9. What educational PRIORITIES will be needed to develop a teaching plan for this patient and/or family?
  10. What can I do to engage myself with this patient's experience, and show that he matters to me as a person?
  11. What did I learn from this scenario?
  12. How can I use what has been learned from this scenario to improve patient care in the future?

Reference no: EM133509771

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