Why is overloading useful

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13979586

There are numerous ways to test for equality Works fine for primitive types, but not for objects such as strings, etc. Why is this so? Discuss why doesn't work when utilizing Strings but does for integers and doubles.

Overloading is a way of using the same method name for multiple methods as long as the number / types of arguments are different. Why is overloading useful? Give an example (other than the one in the lecture notes or book) of how this could be used.

Reference no: EM13979586

Questions Cloud

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Why is overloading useful : Overloading is a way of using the same method name for multiple methods as long as the number / types of arguments are different. Why is overloading useful
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Find the acceleration of the object for the configuration : Find the acceleration of the object for the configuration of forces shown in Figure (a). Find the acceleration of the object for the configuration of forces shown in Figure (b).
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