Reference no: EM133316563
CASE STUDY ON EMBRACING DIVERSITY Lucy When Lucy was 4 years old, she had amen- a veterinarian assistant. Ms. Alvarez, the can attend and sign off on her own IEP. ingitis incident that resulted in a mild intel- special education teacher at CVHS who Next, she gathers together the transi- lectual disability. Now, Lucy is an 18-year- manages Lucy's progress, is concerned tion IEP team, including Lucy, her the- old student at Central Valley High School. about several things. Following a dis- ater teacher, the assistant principal, School has never been easy for Lucy, but cussion with the school social worker, the school social worker, and a local high school has been particularly hard. Ms. Alvarez asked Lucy about her living representative for the homeless youth For the last three years, she bounced arrangements. Lucy shared that she is project. Together, they develop a plan between her dad's home on a rancheria living in a homeless shelter for a short including a coordinated set of activities 60 miles away and her mom's apart- time, while she figures out what to do and support services that will lead Lucy ment. She attended different schools next. Lucy told Ms. Alvarez that she was to achieving the post-school goals she depending on which parent she was considering dropping out of school be- envisioned for herself! living with. Earlier this year, following cause it is too hard to get to school. She her mother's death, Lucy told the school has attempted to pass the high school Application Questions psychologist that she didn't feel safe liv- exit exam twice, failing the math section.
Question 1. Why is Lucy able to represent herself at her transition IP meeting?
Question 2. Why is it so important to include a broad range of people (teachers, ad- ministrators, social works, community advocates) on Lucy's transition plan- ning meeting?
Question 3. What are some coordinated activi- ties that would support Lucy in moving toward her adult goals?