Why is it that at-risk youth in your community need tutoring

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133479108

Good news! The Executive Director was able to get the board to approve seeking a grant for the new program. You will now need to determine what your specific needs are for the tutorial program.

The development of the problem/need statement is critically important, as this is the first impression the potential funder will have of your program and to determine its suitability for funding. The problem/need statement should answer the following questions:

Question 1: Why is it that at-risk youth in your community need tutoring?

Question 2: How does this program relate to your organization's mission, goals, and objectives?

Question 3: What will happen if this program is not funded?

Question 4: And what do you need the money for specifically?

Question 5: Here is what you know so far about the program:

The program is specifically for high school students, grades 9-12.
There is currently no community-wide tutoring program for high school students.
The current drop-out rate has increased overall the last several years and currently sits at 30%.
Students will likely have other needs met by other organizations that may contribute to their success in school (ex: food security)
Ideally it will not only improve graduation rates but also the number of students that go on to pursue some kind of post-secondary opportunity.

Part 1
To develop your problem/need statement, use the table provided in Winning Grants Step by Step, Worksheet 3.1A. Fill out the table using information provided in this assignment as well as research you complete on your community. See Worksheet 3.1B for an example.

Worksheet 3.1A: Statement of Problem Questionnaire (Example)Who? Where? When?What? Why?Evidence of ProblemImpact If Problems ResolvedWho is in need (people, animals, land, and so forth)?What? Why? (Get specific)What evidence do you have to support your claim?Impact If Problems Resolved?Where are they? (General: city/state; and specific: neighborhood, geography)Why does this problem exist?When is the problem evident?How is the problem linked to your organization?

Part 2
Using the information gathered in your table, write a 2-3 paragraph problem/need statement. This statement should be succinct and grab the attention of the funder and compel them to want to assist with solving the problem.

When developing a problem/need statement it is important to utilize statistics that clearly document the unmet need or problem (i.e., lack of tutorial programs); provide citations of persons who have authority on the problem, document appropriately the resources utilized for the development of the statement, use compelling and anecdotal stories of people to provide examples, and provide a coherent sense of urgency of the request.

Requirements: The written proposal should meet the following requirements:

  • 2-3 paragraphs in a Word document.
  • 2-3 outside resources/references (these can be government websites, statistics, expert opinions, etc.). Each of the resources should be appropriately cited using the Strayer Writing Standards format. (References are not part of the 2-3 paragraphs.)
  • The problem or need statement should fully but succinctly answer each of the four questions outlined in the assignment instructions and should include statistics, citations, anecdotal stories, and examples that emphasize the need and provide a sense of urgency.


Reference no: EM133479108

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