Why is it important to study historical context

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133402652


1. A conspiracy theory we are not dealing with in our course is called 'Chemtrails.' The claim in this conspiracy is that some of the jet exhaust that we see when commercial airliners fly overhead are actually chemicals being sprayed on us by the government to control the population. Based on what you have learned so far, what questions would you ask in order to determine whether this were a real or fake conspiracy? In your own words, please discover at least three (3) questions you would want the answer to (although you can provide more.) Please also explain why those questions are important.

2. Lesson 4 was about subtext, or the hidden meaning underneath the surface meaning. In your own words, please explain how knowing about subtext might help us analyze some conspiracy theories. Please provide at least one example from the Lessons we have covered so far (Lessons 1-6).

3. So far this term we have focused on critical thinking and historical context. It's easy to see why critical thinking is a crucial skill to help us analyze conspiracy theories, but why is it important to study historical context?


Reference no: EM133402652

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