Why is it important to recommend community resources

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Reference no: EM133519466

Question: Why is it important to recommend community resources from the onset of treatment? When is it not appropriate to recommend such resources? Describe what you can do when you are uncertain about situations relating to things such as these in your future work. WITH REFERENCES

Reference no: EM133519466

Questions Cloud

Discuss how an ehr may assist with litigation defense : Can you discuss how an EHR may assist with litigation defense, say for malpractice? Also, what must be disclosed in an accounting of disclosures?
Describe or define the cohort effect with which you identify : Describe or define the cohort effect with which you identify. List three (3) ways this differs from someone else in your life (your parents or children, friends
What did you find were janes cultural factors : What did you find were Janes cultural factors from the scenario provided in the Readings for this week - Use your reflections from the course readings
How does unconscious bias play a role in ethical healthcare : How does conscious or unconscious bias play a role in ethical healthcare or research in today's society?
Why is it important to recommend community resources : Why is it important to recommend community resources from the onset of treatment? When is it not appropriate to recommend such resources
List of 10 behaviors, with their antecedents and consequence : List of 10 behaviors, with their antecedents and consequences and Use a similar topic to give an example of positive, and negative reinforcement, negative
How an organization treats its employees reveals much about : How an organization treats its employees reveals much about its perspective on compliance and retention. In a similar way, how managers treat their employees
Study of the effects of rem-sleep deprivation : which they indicate (on a series of 1-5 scales) the extent to which the experience has affected them.
Explain how the material in the developing management skills : Explain how the material in the Developing Management Skills textbook Chapter 6 (Motivating Performance) relates to you professionally.


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