Why is it important to align an organizations strategic goal

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13790090

Question 1-

Why is it important to align an organization's strategic goals to human capital competencies and how can this alignment contribute to a competitive workforce?

Question 2-

There have been charges of unfair labor practices on the part of employers; historically, unions have been charged with unfair labor practices, as well. One of the unfair labor practices is called Featherbedding, which is when an employer is forced to hire a union organizer as an employee.

Select two unfair labor practices, one committed by labor, one committed by management, and discuss these practices. Indicate why, in each case, both labor and management felt their actions were necessary.

Question 3-

Read the attached article titled "Do Professional Sports Unions Fit the Standard Model of Traditional Unionism?"

After reading the article, argue whether or not you feel Sports Unions are true unions. Support your opinion.

Reference no: EM13790090

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