Why is it important for teachers to abide by a code of ethic

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Reference no: EM132213645


Select a current public policy affecting early childhood education, and research it using a variety of resources--such as the Internet, libraries, and interviews--to gather your data.

Consider using the following organizations as resources when conducting your research:

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

Association for Childhood Education International

United States Department of Education

Write a 1-page critique of the policy that includes the following:

Major elements of the policy

Implications of the policy for early childhood education

Potential issues related to the policy in early childhood education

Rationale or justification for your critique of the policy

Cite any sources according to APA guidelines.


Use the Internet to research the following topics:

Professional standards and qualifications for early childhood educators

Preparation programs and continuing education for early childhood educators

Codes of ethics that guide early childhood educators, including the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct

Consider how each of these topics relate to your future role as an early childhood educator.

Write a 350- to 525-word reflection that addresses the following questions:

How do you plan to prepare for your first job as an early childhood educator in order to meet the professional standards and qualifications for early childhood educators?

What type of programs might offer continuing education and/or support to you as a new teacher in the early childhood classroom?

Why is it important for teachers to abide by a code of ethics, such as those you studied? Provide specific examples to support your response.

Include an APA-formatted reference page.

Reference no: EM132213645

Questions Cloud

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Question - comparing counseling focihi : Question - Comparing Counseling FociHi - describe and evaluate the relative importance of each of these foci in effective counseling practice
Calculate the break-even point : Calculate what the companys over-all break-even point in total sales dollars. Explain your methodology (approximately 2 pages). Of the total fixed costs
Why is it important for teachers to abide by a code of ethic : What type of programs might offer continuing education and/or support to you as a new teacher in the early childhood classroom?
Reflect on the importance of confidentiality in classroom : Reflect on the importance of confidentiality in the classroom and as a teacher. How important do you think it is? Why? 100 words
What does the emphasis on depth look like in practice : How can understanding the standards impact student learning in your classroom? What does the emphasis on "depth" look like in practice?
What would be the pros and cons of using each : Post your assessment selections and reasons why you selected these assessments. What would be the pros and cons of using each? Which would you select.
Demonstrate knowledge of test development and construction : Demonstrate an understanding of the role of standardized assessments and how their mandated use impacts teaching and learning.


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