Reference no: EM133316780
In previous Final Assignments, you've been asked to give examples of your specific forms of capital. For this question, please think about the following quotation taken from Yosso's "Whose Culture Has Capital?": "CRT (Critical Race Theory) identifies various indicators of capital that have rarely been acknowledged as cultural and social assets in Communities of Color (i.e., aspirational, social, navigational, linguistic, resistant, and familial capital). These forms of capital draw on the knowledges Students of Color bring with them from their homes and communities into the classroom" (82). Why is focusing on the "cultural and social assets" you bring with you from your homes and communities important?
Summarize 1-2 key takeaways (important points) from Chapter of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire.
Provide 1 example from your previous educational career in which you have experienced the banking concept of education.
Provide 1 specific example in which you have experienced problem-posing education.
Answer the following: how do each forms of education, banking and problem-posing, make you feel? What are the benefits of problem-posing education?
Look back to your notes on the microaggressions video and the University of California Microaggressions List. Answer the following: How might learning about microaggressions empower you in higher education? How might you rely on your ancestral strength, knowledge, and legacies to speak out against oppression?
Summarize the purpose of Title IX in one sentence. How might learning about Title IX be important in your personal life and professional career?