Why is attrition particular problem in longitudinal studies

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133648238


  1. Descriptive survey designs are some of the most common methods used in nursing research. What do you believe are the primary advantages of collecting data via a survey method? What are the limitations? How would you weigh the advantages and limitations when applying research to nursing practice?
  2. Why is attrition a particular problem in longitudinal studies? Describe some of the measures the researcher can take to minimize attrition or to mediate its effects. In your opinion, how much attrition would make a study inappropriate for evidence for nursing practice?
  3. Descriptive designs can be used to discover the responses of individuals to interventions and events. Compare the case study method to a single-subject design in terms of intent, processes, and outcomes. Which do you believe is stronger evidence for practice? Provide an example that supports your answer.
  4. Why is an established correlation not evidence of cause and effect? What assumptions of causality are violated with correlation designs? Give an example of a spurious relationship. Under what circumstances would you be inclined to believe a correlation was evidence for potential cause and effect?

Reference no: EM133648238

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