Why intense competition - rivalry characterize the industry

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131504109

You are expected to participate in the weekly classroom discussion with relevant, purposeful and reflective thought. Each week you will have 2 discussion questions.

Your initial posts should be substantive and show a comprehension of the assignment and the material being discussed. The original post should approximate 300 to 400 words.

You are also required to respond/comment on one of your fellow-classmates' initial post. It is important that you are respectful and courteous at all times, any responses found inappropriate by the instructor will be promptly removed and you will be notified.

Discussion Question 1:

"Understanding Customer Wants and Needs and PEST Analysis" Please respond to the following:

1. Argue whether or not you believe that health care marketers must understand customers and their perceptions of product offerings in order to effectively monitor prowess at addressing and satisfying customer wants and needs. Provide an example of your argument in action to support your rationale.

2. Assess the value and importance of a PEST Analysis as a tool for mentoring and evaluating the macroenvironment. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of PEST Analysis that apply within a health care organization with which you are familiar.

Discussion Question 2:

"Michael Porter's Five Forces Model" Please respond to the following:

1. Examine the key reasons why intense competition and rivalry characterize the health care industry. Suggest one (1) example to support your rationale.

2. Appraise the value and importance of Michael Porter's Five Forces Model as a tool for facilitating the understanding and addressing of the competition within the health care industry. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of Michael Porter's Five Forces Model that apply within a health care organization with which you are familiar.

Reference no: EM131504109

Questions Cloud

Discuss the key operating principles as you will apply them : Assignment: Strategic Management- Discuss the Key operating principles as you will apply them (Vision, Perception, Leadership, Reputation, Consistency).
What are the motivations of politicians as regulators : HA3051 Accounting Theory - Interest Theory and what of the role of regulators (politicians)? What are the motivations of politicians as regulators?
Analyse the incident and derive actions or strategies : Analyse the incident and derive actions or strategies that you can use next time to improve your management practice should you encounter a similar event.
How is the list being currently challenged : How is the list being currently challenged? What traits do you have that are typically considered "on the list" of the other sex?
Why intense competition - rivalry characterize the industry : Examine the key reasons why intense competition and rivalry characterize the health care industry. Suggest one (1) example to support your rationale.
Conduct a five forces analysis for the selected organization : Describe the target market and apparent marketing mix of your chosen organization.Conduct a five forces analysis for the selected organization.
Do data analysis and statistical modelling assignment : How did you find or collect your data? (If you found the data, give a clear reference. If you collected the data, describe clearly the data collection process you used.)
What do these similarities tell us about urban life : Analyze the similarities between Wirth's "Urbanism As A Way of Life" and Cara Buckley's article in The New York Times.
Why do you think entrepreneurship is growing around world : Why do you think entrepreneurship is growing around world? Do you expect the trend to continue or do you think entrepreneurship's appeal will subside over time?


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