Why foreign investment so different from domestic investment

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133693207

Discussion Post: Financial Budgeting, Forecasting and Analysis

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 20 and Chapter 21 in the Foundations of Financial Management textbook.

Initial Response:

Imagine you have been hired as a consultant to support a firm that wishes to expand its operations internationally. Explain to the CEO and their staff the importance of understanding the difference between domestic expansion and international expansion.

For your initial discussion post, consider the following questions as a basis to your explanation to the CEO:

1) Why is foreign investment so different from domestic investment?
2) What should C-Level executives consider in expanding internationally, as compared to domestically?
3) What types of risk mitigation techniques could you suggest to the executives so that the firm can be successful in the proposed expansion?

Reference no: EM133693207

Questions Cloud

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