Why either the verbal or nonverbal code is more important

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133625247

There are two interrelated communication codes: verbal (words and language) and nonverbal (paralanguage, kinesics, proxemics, haptics, chronemics, oculesics, physical appearance, and facial expressions). Both of these codes are essential to human communication.

However, if you had to make a case for one, which of these two codes do you see as most important? Be sure you support your case for why either the verbal or nonverbal code is more important, and also make sure to reference at least one concept (communication codes, verbal and nonverbal).

Note: using the term verbal or nonverbal is not referencing a concept. Unintentional, abstract, pragmatic, emblem are some examples.

Reference no: EM133625247

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