Why either of them are considered aerobic vs anaerobic

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Reference no: EM133325554

  1. Your best friend has decided to start a serious exercise regimen. They are considering entering the next marathon race as well as start a weightlifting program. They asked you how their body will change if they follow this course of action. In your explanation to them include the following:
    • How will their muscles change if they train for a marathon compared to how they would change when you start lifting weights every day?
    • Make sure you explain the difference changes in their muscles between training for a marathon and lifting weights.
    • Explain why either of them are considered aerobic vs anaerobic?
    • What are the nutritional needs for this type of exercise program?
    • What dietary suggestions do you have to share with them to support this exercise program?
  2. You are thinking about becoming a vegan. However, your friends and family are concerned.  They are worried you will not have any energy or be able to maintain much less gain muscle mass. Based on what you know about how our body obtains, makes, and uses protein, what will you tell them? Include the following:
    • What are proteins?
    • What happens to proteins in the digestion system?
    • What are amino acids?
    • Explain the difference between essential and nonessential amino acids.
    • How are proteins made in the body?
    • What are some functions of protein in the body?
    • What is the DRI (Daily Reference Intake) for protein?
    • What are some plant-based sources of proteins?
    • Explain why you can get your protein needs met from solely consuming a plant-based diet.
  3. Your mother just found out that her dear friend was diagnosed with Diabetes. She is concerned and wanted to know what diabetes is and what her friend can do about it. You have the opportunity to share with your mother what have learned about diabetes in this nutrition class. In your explanation to your mother include the following:
    • What is diabetes? Include the role of glucose in your description of diabetes?
    • What are some signs and symptoms of diabetes?
    • Describe the two Types?
    • Explain the general role of insulin and glucose when functioning properly. Include where insulin is produced in your explanation.
    • What happens to insulin and glucose in diabetes?
    • Explain Type 1 and 2 diabetes using the insulin-cell lock-key analogy shared in the lecture material.
    • Is Type 1 and/or Type 2 diabetes reversible? Explain why or why not.
    • What can you do to manage both types of diabetes?
    • What dietary adjustments would you suggest for someone with diabetes? Be specific for both types.
  4. A family member heard that they should stop eating fat. They ask you if this is true and to clarify for them. In your response to them:
    • What are fats/lipids?
    • What are some general functions of fat in the body?
    • What are the 3 main types? What are some important roles they each play in the body?
    • Explain the structural difference between saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids.
    • How are polyunsaturated fats different from monounsaturated fats structurally?
    • Which fats are considered healthy or unhealthy? Between saturated vs unsaturated.
    • Give some examples of food items that are predominantly saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated? (Gives examples of each type)
    • What are lipoproteins? What function do they play in the body?
    • What are the 4 lipoproteins and their functions that was mention in class?
    • Which are considered "bad" or "good" cholesterol? What is their relationship to cardiovascular disease?
    • What dietary suggestions do you have for consuming lipids?
  5. Your friends' aunt was diagnosed with cancer.  What can you tell your friend about what cancer is and how cancer cells put different demands on her body than her normal cells?  She also wants to know what she can do nutritionally to support her healing and decrease the negative affects of cancer. In your response include:
    • What is cancer?
    • How does cancer even happen in the first place? What happens to cells genetically?
    • The difference between somatic and germline mutations?
    • How do the nutritional needs of a cancer cell differ from that of a "normal" 
      healthy cell? What do cancer cells need to keep growing?
    • What is the role of angiogenesis.
    • What is metastasis?
    • How does a cancer cells genomic instability contribute to resistance or partial remission?
    • What role can diet play in managing cancer?
    • What can be done nutritionally to support healing and decrease the negative affects of cancer?
  6. According to the WHO, "the number of hungry people in the world in 2018 was 821.6 million, about 1 in 9 people and the number of moderately or severely food insecure was 2 billion, about 1 in 4 people." You have been given the task of explaining how food production is related to these unfortunate data from the WHO to a class of graduating high school seniors who are interested in working to minimize suffering in the world. In your address to these students include the following:
    • What is food insecurity?
    • What is the difference between undernourishment and malnourishment. How are they similar? Undernourishment is not limited to an inadequate amount of calories.
    • Where does our food come from? Explain.
    • How much of habitable land is used for farming/agriculture?
    • How much of that agricultural land is used for livestock?
    • How much of the global supply of calories and protein come from meat and dairy vs. plant based foods? Include how sustainable you think this is.
    • Include how farming change local ecosystems?
    • How can farming practices change in order to enhance food availability?
    • What do you think can be done to sustainably address food insecurity?
    • Do you think it is possible to nutritionally sustain a global population of 8 billion people? Why or why not? Explain.
  7. Obesity is a serious and costly chronic disease that has global implications. According the World Health Organization, "today more people are obese than underweight in every region except sub-Saharan Africa and Asia". This is extraordinary, because obesity and overweight was once considered problematic in economically developed nations with high incomes. According to the CDC obesity worsens outcomes from COVID-19. Congress is interested in taking action to mitigate this issue. You have been given an opportunity to give a presentation explaining the issues associated with obesity to your state senate representative. What would you tell them? Include the following in your explanation:
    • What is obesity? How is it defined?
    • What is BMI and limitations in defining obesity?
    • What are some risk factors?
    • What is the general cause? Talk about energy and its storage and how all 3 macronutrients contribute to this process.
    • How do you think society and culture are contributing to obesity?
    • How is obesity effecting the society? Offer some statistical data on obesity rates in the US and globally. Include what has happen over time.
    • What are some health consequences of obesity? What are some diseases or health conditions obesity is a risk factor for?
    • What recommendations do you have about how to manage the obesity epidemic? What can be done about it? Be specific.
  8. You have a have a friend who is interested in changing their lifestyle. There are on board with changing their diet. However, they are hesitant about implementing exercise into their new program. They need a good reason to incorporate exercise into their new lifestyle. What would you tell them about the importance of exercise? Make sure you address the following in your explanation:
    • An explanation of the four essential elements of physical fitness.
    • Some benefits of exercise/physical fitness?
    • What happens to your body when you start exercising regularly? What are some benefits?
    • The DHHS recommendations for physical exercise?
    • What is the difference between moderate and vigorous exercise?
    • Provide examples of each type of exercise recommended by DHHS.
    • What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise? Include benefits of each.
    • What are some nutritional recommendations for before, during, and after exercising?
  9. You have a relative that is aware that you are about to conclude this nutrition class. They are interested in changing their dietary habits in order to be healthier. What would you tell them about importance of nutrition? Include at least the following in your response to them:
    • Define Nutrition? What is a nutrient?
    • What are the 6 classification of nutrients?
    • Describe some of the roles that each of the 6 classified nutrients play in the body? How are they used?
    • What is the AMDR, average amount of calories recommended, for each macronutrient?
    • Explain what happens to each of the 3 main macronutrients other than water in the body? What do they become?
    • Why is it important to learn about nutrition?
    • What are some things to consider when choosing food for a healthy diet? (refer to notes from module 1)
    • What are some factors that influence your food choices?
  10. You have a dear friend that does not like to drink water, but knows that she should. She has asked you to share with her why it is important to consume an adequate amount of water in order for her body to function well. Include the follow in your explanation.
    • The composition of water in our body?
    • What are the primary functions of water in the body?
    • What is osmoregularity?
    • Explain the difference between isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic solutions in the body. What happens to the cells? Which type of solution is associated with water balance, overhydration, and dehydration.
    • What are the dangers of overhydration and dehydration?
    • Describe how the body manages water balance by regulating water input and output. What are the organs, hormones, and processes involved?
    • How much water does the National Academy of Medicine recommend for daily consumption?
  11. Your uncle has been struggling with periodic over-consumption of alcohol. He knows that he needs to address this issue before it starts to cause serious negative health consequences. He asked you for help. He wants you to provide him with information about alcohol and its affects on his body.
    • What is drinking alcohol?
    • Where is alcohol absorbed in the digestive system and how?
    • Where is alcohol metabolizes the the body? By what enzyme?
    • What are some of the reasons why alcohol affect people differently?
    • Are there any nutritional benefits of alcohol?
    • What is considered moderate, heavy or binge drinking?
    • What are the health risk associated with heavy and/or binge drinking?
    • What are the liver diseases associated with drinking alcohol? Define them and which are reversible or irreversible?
    • What is the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendation for drinking alcohol?
    • What is considered one drink?
  12. Based on what you know about digestion, analyze the cartoon. Is this what happens when food enters our stomach? Why or why not? In your response thoroughly include:
    • What organs does food pass through for digestion and in what order?
    • What are the accessory organs?
    • What happens to food when it is digested?
    • Define the 2 types of digestion and where they take place.
    • Where does most digestion takes place?
    • Where does absorption of nutrients take place?
    • How are nutrients distributed?
    • What is the role of enzymes?
    • What are the specific names and function of enzymes involved in digestion of macronutrients? In which places are these enzymes active?
    • Based on this information, do you think this cartoon is an accurate reflection of what takes place when food enters our stomachs?

Reference no: EM133325554

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