Why does wright call this essay ethics of living jim crow

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133438702



Part 1

1. Why does Wright call this essay "The Ethics of Living Jim Crow"? What are the ethical dilemmas he faces because of Jim Crow?

2. Why don't Pease and Morrie want Richard to learn anything from them? Why was their attitude different from their employer's?

3. How did living Jim Crow affect Wright's ability to feel like a man and take on a man's role in society, especially in regard to protecting black women?

4. Discuss the Jim Crow attitudes about sex between blacks and whites.

5. Explain the meaning of the ending quotation: "Lawd, man! Ef it wuzn't fer them polices 'n' them ol' lynch mobs, there wouldn't be nothin' but uproar down here?"

Part 2

Task 1: Consider how Wright's narrative addresses present-day situations; then, make a list of specific examples of contemporary situations or events which compare to the situations or events that Wright wrote about.

Task 2: Modeling Wright: Choose 1 example from your list in Task 1. Write the example up as a lesson you learned, similar to one of the lessons Wright writes about in his narrative. That is, use one of Wright's lessons as your model. This means that the structure of your "lesson" must be modeled after the structure of Wright's lesson, so choose one section from among Wright's nine sections to model your personal "lesson" after.

Reference no: EM133438702

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