Reference no: EM132112626
Measures of Central Tendency and Variability
The steps required for completing the deliverables for this assignment (screen shots that correspond to these instructions can be found immediately following them). Complete the questions below and paste the answers from Minitab below each question (type your answers to the questions where noted).
1. Open Minitab
2. Open the HealthCareData.mpjfile using Minitab.
3. From Menus, select Stat,Basic Statistics and then Display Descriptive Statistics
a. Choose Hosp_StayandHosp_Satisfaction as the variables then click OK.
b. Highlight the output and use Ctrl + C to copy and then Ctrl + V to past the output into this document.
4. Descriptive Statistics: Hosp_Stay, Hosp_Satisfaction
5. Statistics
7. To create a histogram, select Graph from the menu and choose Histogram.
a. Choose With Fit (makes it easier to see if the graph is left-skewed, symmetric or right-skewed). Then click OK.
b. Choose Hosp_Stay and Hosp_Satisfaction and then click OK.
Click on the graphs and use Ctrl+C to copy and use Ctrl+V to paste both graphs in the box below.
8. Think about it: Why are so many items listed as missing? What can be done if you want to run the analysis and not include all those missing data values that occur at the end of the data set? Why does the satisfaction data have missing information before the end of the data set? Do we want to include the fact that those data values are missing in our analysis?
9. Explorations - suggested activities but not required: Use table on page 99 (Chapter 4, Exhibit 4-5) as a reference point for analysis or do Class Activity # 3 on page 121 of your book.
Note: only the questions number 8 need to be answered.