Why does the law allow you to interview escobar

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Reference no: EM133327258

Question: You are a Santa Barbara Police detective. You're investigating a murder case and the primary suspect is a man named Timothy Escobar. The case is still under investigation and charges have not yet been ?led by the District Attorney's Of?ce. Escobar is in custody at the Ventura County Jail for a burglary case that is unrelated to your homicide investigation. Charges have been ?led in the burglary case. Escobar has already been to court for his arraignment and is represented by counsel on the burglary case. In order to complete your investigation, you need to interview Escobar. Please submit a paper of at least 500 words which addresses the following: Does the law allow you to interview Escobar? Please explain why or why not, including the circumstances under which it would be lawful and circumstances under which it would not be lawful. Please explain speci?cally what you'd do as a detective in regards to interviewing Escobar.



Reference no: EM133327258

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