Why does the government regulate businesses

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Reference no: EM13276692

Chepter 1

Q1: Why does the government regulate businesses?

Q3: Why are ethical codes more common today than were 50 years ago?

Chapter 2

Q1: Do you think the old saying “When in Rome, do as Romans do” applies to international business activities? Explain your answer.

Q3: What are some typical U.S. management practices that would be difficult to apply in foreign countries?

Q5: What do you think could be some potential pitfalls of entering into a strategic alliance?

Chapter 3

Q1: Why should one plan? What are the benefits of planning?

Q3: As discussed on page 158, strategic management is an activity that must emanate from top management. Given this, why should you as a first line or middle manager, be concern with strategic management?

Chapter 4

Q1: Do you think division of labor has been overemphasized in today’s highly mechanized and efficient society?

Q3: Identify and discuss a job that has a relatively wide job scope and narrow job depth. Identify a job that has a relatively narrow job scope and wide job depth.

Q5: Many people believe that the concept of empowerment receives a lot more talk than action. Why do you think this could be true?

Chapter 6

Q1: As a practicing manager, how could you justify the use of matrix structure given that potentially violates the unity of command principle?

Q3: Discuss this statement: When the appropriate organization structure is determined and implemented, a firm no longer has to worry about structure.

Q5: If you were an employee and your company embarked on a large-scale outsourcing program, how would you think you would react?

Chapter 7

Q1: Do you think it is possible to eliminate the need for informal workgroup? Explain.

Q3: Some employees are described as “marching to the beat of a different drummer.” In light of the discussion in this chapter, what does the statement mean to you?

Q5: Why do you think quality circles can me effective?

Reference no: EM13276692

Questions Cloud

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