Reference no: EM131461746
Assignment: Analyzing the Problem and Exploring for a Topic
Within interdisciplinary studies, a topic or theme is explored from more than one perspective. To become an interdisciplinary thinker, you must apply the critical step of establishing validity for your problem statement or focus question. Luckily, you will not need to struggle to answer the question alone. By locating resources and literature that address the topic that you would like to focus upon, you will gain knowledge on the issue. Your information will come from at least three different disciplines, and each discipline will inform your topic.
As you craft the introduction for your Capstone Project, this analytical step will help to clarify whether your chosen problem statement or focus question is appropriate for the next steps of interdisciplinary research. If it is not, your work in Week 1 will help you identify opportunities for revisions so that you can move forward successfully.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Consider your topic. Is this topic one that is dealt with in popular media? Is it a topic that impacts people of all ages, or is it a topic that impacts a narrow segment of our society? Why does this topic matter to you personally? The more widespread a topic is, the more material you will have available to review. The more people who are impacted by your topic, the more scholarly research that will be available to you about the issue. The topic must be important to you as an issue, and should be appropriate for interdisciplinary investigation. Investigate the topic at the Walden Library, public library, in books, professional magazines, and newspapers.
Once you have selected a general topic, and you have conducted some research, then answer the following questions:
• Is this topic one that is dealt with in popular media?
• Is it a topic that impacts people of all ages, or is it a topic that impacts a narrow segment of our society?
• Why does this topic matter to you personally?
• What disciplines could you select to explore the topic more completely and why?
• How is your problem statement or focus question an unresolved societal need or issue?
With these thoughts in mind:
A 2-3 paragraph analysis of your first exploration of your topic based on the above questions.. Make sure to list a few prospective disciplinary options.
Also this is for 2 classmates so please format this last part is two seperate statements and highlight it in red so I know it is not part of original question.
• Ask a probing question to help your peer clarify his or her work.
• Share an insight from having read your colleague's posting.
• Offer and support an opinion.
• Validate an idea with your own experience.
• Make a suggestion.
• Expand on your colleague's posting.