Reference no: EM131496280
Business Assignment
Your company, Rasmussen Consulting, was hired by MovieFlix, a company that provides subscription service for on-demand Internet streaming media and DVD-by-mail within the U.S. You are the consultant that Rasmussen has decided to assign the MovieFlix case to.
To begin your assignment you will need to select one of the business problems described on the Course Project - Introduction page. To complete your assignment, you will need to do the following:
• Research your business issue. You will need to use a minimum of 4 credible sources for your research, with 2 being academic sources, such as a book or an academic scholarly journal. Academic scholarly journals can be accessed through the Rasmussen Online Library. For business sources, ProQuest and EBSCO Host are helpful.
*A note about credible sources: Credible sources are reliable, accurate, and trustworthy. These sources are written by authors respected in their fields of study. You want to identify sources where the author of the article is listed, if they've referenced other information, the sources should be cited so that you can check for the accuracy of and support what they have written. Wikipedia is not considered a credible source.
For more information on credible sources, please visit the Rasmussen Online Library.
• In 2-3 pages, describe the problem that you've selected:
o What is the problem?
o Why is it a problem for businesses?
o Why does this problem exist or what causes it?
o What are some of the consequences if the problem goes unsolved?