Why does society seem to resist rectifying this situation

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133524678


Answer each question

1. Housing costs pose the greatest obstacle for low-wage workers. Why does our society seem to resist rectifying this situation? Do you believe that there are realistic solutions to the lack of affordable housing?

2. Ehrenreich is white and middle class. She asserts that her experience would have been radically different had she been a person of color or a single parent. Do you think discrimination shaped Ehrenreich's story? In what ways?

3. Ehrenreich found that she could not survive on $7.00 per hour-not if she wanted to live indoors. Consider how her experiment would have played out in your community: limiting yourself to $7.00 per hour earnings, make a hypothetical monthly budget for your part of the country and post to discussion board.

4. Why do you think low-wage workers are reluctant to form labor organizations as Ehrenreich discovered at Wal-Mart? How do you think employees should lobby to improve working conditions.

Reference no: EM133524678

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