Why does berkeley deny the existence of material objects

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Reference no: EM133770119

Assignment: Intro to Philosophy


1) Read Chapter 6.1: Overview: The problem of knowledge
2) Read Chapter 6.2: The rationalist road
3) M4: Journal - Chapter 6.1-6.2 (J-07)


Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response. Do NOT use any other sources besides the textbook.

According to Plato, are the ideas of Beauty and Courage objectively real, or are they notions that we invent in our minds whenever we want to? Do you think these ideas are objectively real? Provide an argument to back up your answer.

Is there any way that you can tell whether you are awake or dreaming? Is Descartes right that he cannot tell the difference? Try to identify and explain at least two ways that dreaming experiences and waking experiences are different.

Complete the Philosophy Lab thought experiment questions on page 297.

Note: All journal entries must be submitted as attachments (in Microsoft Word format) in order to generate an originality report.

M4: LESSON 9 - The Empiricist Turn, the Kantian Compromise, and a Feminist Perspective on Knowledge


1) Read Chapter 6.3: The Empiricist Turn
2) Read Chapter 6.4: The Kantian Compromise
3) Read Chapter 6.5: A Feminist Perspective on Knowledge
4) M4 Journal- Chapter 6.3-6.5 (J-08)

Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer. Answer the question you chose in a response that is a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs.

Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response. Do NOT use any other sources besides the textbook.

A. Explain Locke's view that we can have knowledge of an external world despite our being directly aware only of sense data. Do you agree with him, or do you side with his critics who say that we can know only the contents of our minds?

B. Why does Berkeley deny the existence of material objects? Explain his view of subjective idealism. Do you accept or reject his theory? Why or why not?

C. Suppose someone claims that he can easily refute Berkeley's idealism by simply kicking a rock or eating an apple. Does this demonstration show that Berkeley's view is false? Explain.

D. Hume thinks that all knowledge must be traced back to perceptions; otherwise, assertions of knowledge are meaningless. From this, he concludes that all theological and metaphysical speculations are worthless. Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

E. What does Kant mean by "Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind?" Do you agree that at least some of your perceptions are conceptualized?

Reference no: EM133770119

Questions Cloud

Choose a suitable component or part of a machine : It is a project research that we have to Choose a suitable component or part of a machine - Other applications or industries where it's used
Which cultures and customs are you most familiar with : Which cultures and customs are you most familiar with? Does culture play a significant role in the healthcare issue that you are researching? Explain.
Customer satisfaction and employee development : Financial metrics as well as non-financial aspects like customer satisfaction and employee development.
About the structure hamper the team meeting : How is the meeting structured to facilitate the work of the team? AND Does anything about the structure hamper the team meeting?
Why does berkeley deny the existence of material objects : Why does Berkeley deny the existence of material objects? Explain his view of subjective idealism. Do you accept or reject his theory? Why or why not?
Our readings note that evaluating portfolios reliability : Our readings note that evaluating portfolios reliability and eliminating bias can be even more difficult than in a constructed response assessment
Based on the different pricing methods : Based on the different pricing methods, what types of restaurants choose the Mark Up method (YTD Food Cost %) over any other method?
Donors are the backbone of hospital development : Donors are the backbone of hospital development. This is mostly in areas that have wealthy demographics.
How far do you understand by this postulate : The communication process is only the responsibility of the sender how far do you understand by this postulate.


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