Why do young adults take more risks while driving

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Reference no: EM133486268

What are some ways to response to these questions/ statements? I need ideas I'm stuck

1. Why do young adults take more risks while driving, such as speeding and wreckless driving

2. What might be some reasons why programs like scared straight or discipline boot camps and sending adolescents with delinquent behaviors not work?

3. Why might it be more effective to look into whats going on in the home, neighborhood, school of an adolescent delinquent instead of sending them to bootcamps for discipline or figuratively speaking " beat into submission"

Reference no: EM133486268

Questions Cloud

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How we can reduce prejudice and discrimination : What can society do to become more open and accepting of different cultures and what are some examples of how we can reduce prejudice and discrimination?
Treating adult versus child with schizophrenia : How does care differ when treating an adult versus a child with schizophrenia? How does care change for people with schizophrenia as they age?
What type of psychoeducation : What type of psychoeducation that you may provide to a child who discloses that they are (1) coping with the divorce of their parents.
Why do young adults take more risks while driving : Why do young adults take more risks while driving, such as speeding and wreckless driving
How your critical thinking about psychological : Critically reflect upon how your critical thinking about psychological questions and issues and your written communication skills have improved
How can team support one another in maintaining interactions : How can a team support one another in maintaining respectful interactions and confidentiality in relation to the students and their families?
What effects does depressive disorder have on cognition : What effects does major depressive disorder have on cognition? Does major depressive disorder cause cognitive impairment(s)?
Discuss the best next steps to resolve the ethical dilemma : Address the issue of ethics in group psychotherapy. Discuss the best next steps to resolve the ethical dilemma.


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