Why do you want to support for better uhc

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Reference no: EM133303315

Question: Based on this situational below, and from this situational background, which stands that you want to support for better UHC? Stunting or Cancer Treatment? Give the reason for your standing. Make a short opinion about your standing and keep it with the data, graph, and table to give more evidence and clearance.


Stunting affects one-quarter of children in Indonesia, with life-long consequences for this mental and physical development. Children who grow up with this easily preventable condition do less well in school and the workplace, have weakened immune systems, and are likely to die earlier than their non stunted peers. Stunting is when a child fails to grow to the proper height for their age. The leading cause is poor nutrition in pregnant women, babies, and toddlers.

Stunting is a form of malnutrition, but it's more accurately described as undernutrition. Few people in Indonesia lack sufficient calories, but low awareness of balanced nutrition means that meals are often heavy on rice, with little protein or vegetables. Many parents also don't understand the importance of breastfeeding, relying instead on a formula that is not as nutritious for a baby.

In some areas, lack of clean water for sanitation and personal hygiene and limited access to health services can exacerbate the problem. Stunting often begins in the womb due to a poor maternal diet, but symptoms typically don't manifest until the child is around two years old, when it becomes clear that the child is not growing as quickly as it should. Indonesia has made some progress towards achieving the target for stunting, but 30.8% of children under five years of age are still affected.

Indonesia has also made some progress toward achieving the waste target, but 10.2% of children under five are still affected. The prevalence of overweight children under five years of age is 8.0%, and Indonesia has made no progress against increasing the figure. Meanwhile, universal health coverage didn't cover and put any coverage for stunting issues. The stunting issue becomes more miserable when the Ministry of Health struggles to solve it immediately before 2045.

In another case, UHC covers all kinds of cancer treatment. Thus, cancer is becoming another scary story for the deaths caused in Indonesia. Many people also suffered and struggled to manifest their significant level of life during drugs covered by UHC. Unfortunately, the drugs/medicines are so expensive that many people can't afford them. Furthermore, the lifetime prevalence of cancer is so low compared to stunting (children) who have many options to grow and develop for the next decade. The government put into concerned about the coverage of these treatments.

Reference no: EM133303315

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