Why do you think the plague has been such a problem in past

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133471641


Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Why do you think public health officials are growing more concerned about zoonotic diseases? What factors make these diseases more of a threat?
  2. Why do you think the plague has been such a problem in the past? What effects has the plague had?
  3. Why do you think it is so difficult to eliminate the risk of ringworm? What factors influence the spread of ringworm?
  4. Which of the zoonotic diseases discussed in the unit do you think you would be most interested in studying? Why?
  5. Why do you think some zoonotic diseases have been used for bioterrorism throughout history?


Reference no: EM133471641

Questions Cloud

Why does dna elongate only in the 5 to 3 direction : What are at least 2 differences in hereditary information between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? Why does DNA elongate only in the 5' to 3' direction?
Discusss about a new amazing fertilizer called supergro : You hear about a new amazing fertilizer called SuperGro. The company selling it claims that using this fertilizer will double your tomato harvest!
What is a pseudopod : Would you expect all students to observe exactly the same shape when observing a live amoeba under the microscope? Explain. What is a pseudopod?
Determine blood types for paternity testing : In the few words, explain the advantage of the ABO molecular test compared the Punnett square method to determine blood types for paternity testing.
Why do you think the plague has been such a problem in past : Why do you think the plague has been such a problem in the past? What effects has the plague had?
Contrast abiotic vs biotic mechanisms of dispersal : Contrast abiotic vs. biotic mechanisms of dispersal. Understand what happens to fruit as it ripens. What is the fate of seeds when they are eaten?
Contrast pollination and fertilization : How have plants evolved to avoid self-pollination? Why do some species still exhibit self-pollination and what are some examples of this?
How double fertilization works : Understand how double fertilization works and what the products are of each fertilization event.
What are some can take from biology to other biology classes : What are some things you can take from biology to other biology classes?


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