Why do you think social networking on the internet

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Reference no: EM133351793

Question 1: In her essay "Feminism and Critical Thinking," philosopher and educational researcher Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon writes: "Only today, when women can take control of the reproductive process through the use of very effective birth control, are women becoming free of their bodies' demands, and sure enough, because they can do so they are becoming more associated with their minds and reason ... [allowing] women to break down the hierarchy that ranks women inferior to men in their thinking abilities." Research Thayer-Bacon's claim that the demands of a woman's body and reason are in conflict with one another. Is her claim supported by evidence? What is your position on this issue as well as the implications of your position for public policy and your own life plans?

Question 2:-Why do you think social networking on the Internet is so popular among college students? Does social networking improve your critical thinking and communication skills or have the potential to do so? Or, as some people claim, is the current fascination with social networking merely a symptom of young people's narcissism and love of watching themselves endlessly on their monitors? Present an argument to support your conclusion.


Reference no: EM133351793

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