Why do you think scientists might be tempted

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133544771

1. Given our discussion of the scientific method, what values do you think scientists hold?

2. Why do you think scientists might be tempted to "defend science," as the article puts it, by making strong claims such as "Never touch the oven, it's hot." Consider, in your response, the Astronomy podcast episode you listened to and the guest's discussion of her emotional response to being proven wrong.

3. The article takes a position on whether it's better to "defend science" or to be upfront about the scientific process and scientific uncertainty. What side do you come down on and why? Can you think of any current examples that would lend weight to your stance?

4. Find a science meme that communicates some values about science or the scientific method. What values does it communicate? And how does it communicate them?

Reference no: EM133544771

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