Reference no: EM133148578
BUS8590 The Business of Social Media
Read a Case Study, complete additional research and exercise critical thinking skills as you complete this Template for submission
Question 1. Why do you think JetBlue became active on more social media platforms following the February 2007 incident? List at least 5 reasons why.
Question 2. The apology of the CEO of JetBlue took place 10 years ago. Do you think the strategy would still be an effective one for a company today? Why or why not? What strategy would you recommend for 2020-2021?
Question 3. How does JetBlue's response to the stranding of passengers compare to United's response to the unfortunate incident of the dog in the overhead bin. See link for more information:
Conduct research and compare the two responses. Based on the information here and that you have uncovered, which do you think was more effective and why?
Question 4. Why has Twitter become the most popular social media platform for JetBlue in helping them improve customer satisfaction?
Question 5. Complete a review of JetBlue's social media accounts. List each account that you looked at and evaluate on the following criteria: Level of Engagement, Target Audience, Posting Frequency.
JetBlue Social Media Platforms used:
Level of Engagement Review for each Social Media Platform:
JetBlue's Target Audience for each Social Media Platform
JetBlue's Posting Frequency for each Social Media Platform:
What metrics do you think are being used by JetBlue to evaluate their social media performance?
What is JetBlue doing well with their Social Media Efforts?
What could be improved with JetBlue's social media efforts?
Question 6. What overall advice and recommendations would you offer any airline with respect to Social Media and PR during a crisis?
References: Please insert your References here in APA7 format.
Attachment:- The Business of Social Media.rar