Why do you support the legalization of recreational marijuan

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133497588


  1. Why do you support the legalization of recreational marijuana?
  2. What will you use the tax revenue on and why?
  3. What treatment opportunities will you provide to those who want/need treatment?

Reference no: EM133497588

Questions Cloud

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Why do you support the legalization of recreational marijuan : Why do you support the legalization of recreational marijuana? What will you use the tax revenue on and why?
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Why is it important for our justice system to have a rule : Why is it important for our justice system to have a rule that allows for an attorney-client privilege between the accused and his or her attorney?
How does conflict theory impacts an officer decision : How does conflict theory impacts an officer's decision?
Does the area that you live have food security : Does the area ( New York/ Bronx/ US) that you live have food security or food insecurity? Defend your answer in 3 or more sentences.


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