Why do you have coverage with icbc

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Reference no: EM133408109


  • Give the full correct name and citation for the regulation that lays out the mandatory coverage for motor vehicle insurance in BC. What statute is this regulation made under?
  • If I have an Owner's certificate for a vehicle, who else will be covered for third party liability?
  • If I have an Owner's certificate for a vehicle, who else will be covered for accident benefits?
  • What are the insuring agreements for third party liability coverage? What are ICBC's obligations to an insured?
  • What is the insuring agreement for accident benefits?
  • What is a Driver's certificate? How is it different than an Owner's certificate? Give one case where a Driver's certificate gives coverage to someone
  • My long-distance girlfriend has come to stay with me for a month. One day, she takes my car out for a drive without getting my consent first and she gets in an accident. Is she entitled to 3rd party liability coverage? Why or why not?
  • I am going to Seattle from Victoria by ferry with my car. While on the ferry, I start my car and pop the clutch. The car hits another passenger walking in front of mine. Am I covered for 3rd party liability? Why or why not?
  • I am divorced and my wife has custody of the kids. Because of my criminal record, the kids do not stay with me. In the accident described in the question above, the person I hit was my son. Is he entitled to Accident Benefits?
  • I am driving and you are my passenger. You are using my laptop and you spill your coffee onto it, destroying it. I sue you for the laptop. Do you have coverage with ICBC? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133408109

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