Reference no: EM131348338
Looking back on what we have covered in this class, identify three areas that you would consider to be your strengths and discuss the following:
• Why do you feel that you excel in these areas more than others?
• What have you learned from the course about these topics, strategies, and/or techniques that you did not know before?
• What campus organizations or activities could you get involved with that would highlight your strengths?
• How will applying these strengths impact your academic journey and help you to reach your goals?
Also, identify three areas that you would like to work on and discuss the following:
• What have you learned from the course about these topics, strategies, and/or techniques that you did not know before?
• What is your plan of action to improve upon them?
• What campus support resources could you reach out to for help in these areas?
• How can improving upon them impact your future success and help you to reach your goals?
Write a well-organized reflection, 2 pages in length (typed, double-spaced).
Determine coefficient of performance for the refrigerator
: Determine the coefficient of performance (COP) for this refrigerator, using a reversed Carnot cycle operating between these temperature limits.
Calculate the secondary voltage
: Sketch the circuit symbol for a transformer, and explain its principle of operation. Why is the core made from laminations? Is the core material a ‘ hard ' or a ‘ soft ' magnetic material? Give the reason for this.
Bond prices and interest rates move in opposite directions
: After you have studied Economics in the News on pp. 174-175, answer the following questions. A. Why does the news article say that bond prices and interest rates move in opposite directions? Is it correct? Explain.
Determine the coefficient of performance of the unit
: The refrigerant enters the condenser as a saturated vapor and exits as a saturated liquid. Determine the coefficient of performance (COP) of this unit.
Why do you feel that you excel in these area more than other
: Why do you feel that you excel in these areas more than others? What have you learned from the course about these topics, strategies, and/or techniques that you did not know before?
Tradeoff between inflation and unemployment
: If I were the macroeconomic policy maker I would try to balance the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment rate by doing a few things. First I would focus on maintaining and enforcing rules and regulations that help encourage compet..
Analysis of the definitions of social justice in the u.s.
: Develop a 2-3-page analysis of the definitions of social justice in the U.S. and a country of your choice. Analyze the ideologies, identify their similarities, and explain how these factors support your statements or arguments about the social jus..
Determine the isentropic coefficient of performance
: Determine the isentropic coefficient of performance of this system.- The coefficient of performance of a Carnot refrigerator operating between the same temperature limits.
Cross-price elasticity for product
: Assume that the price of competing Good B decreases by 5% and as a result, the quantity demand for Good A decreases by 8%. What is the cross-price elasticity for your product? What type of goods are Good A and Good B?