Reference no: EM132088708
Question: Watson
Watson made a major contribution to the world of personality psychology when he introduced behaviorism. After reading this week's selections and watching the assigned video on learning, address the following:
• What specific area in modern psychology is behaviorist theory and treatment valid?
• How is this theory applied?
• Why do you feel behaviorism is valid in this specific area? Give specific support for your opinion.
Post should be at least 300 words.
Introduction: This week students will focus on the concepts of understanding conditioning/learning theories of personality, in addition to trait theories of personality. Students are expected to read Chapters 5 and 8 in the Lecci & Magnavita text, complete the discussion questions, and complete the written assignment. The text as well as the assigned video will focus on the various conditioning/learning theories of personality such as theories developed from the theorists Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner. Additional concepts in the text and the assigned article include, but are not limited to those related to the theories of Allport, Eysenck and Cattell. Students will also be reading the Schustack & Friedman text to gain a more in-depth understanding of Watson's and Allport's theories.
Learning Outcomes
1. Analyze the similarities and differences of the conditional/learning and trait theories of personality. (Aligns with CLOs 1, 2, 3)
2. Understand how behaviorists have influenced our concept of learning. (Aligns with CLO 2)