Why do women kill their children

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133644615


Find one scholarly article related to your research question that uses the experimental method to conduct research. Read the article, and then write one paragraph response to each of the following three questions. Research Question: Why Do Women Kill Their Children?

  • Summarize the research project. Your summary should clearly identify the project's research question.
  • Describe the experimental set up and choice of sample and present the results of the project.
  • What were the strengths of this research project? Consider both the methodology and the sample selection. For the methodology, think about the strengths of the experimental method, and whether this project took advantage of those strengths. For sample selection, think about whether the project selected a truly representative sample.
  • What were the weaknesses of this research project? Consider both the methodology and the sample selection. For the methodology, think about the weaknesses of the experimental method, and whether this project fell prey to those weaknesses. For sample selection, think about whether the project selected a biased sample.

Reference no: EM133644615

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