Why do we so often like-need stories to be chronological

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133563524


Memeto (Movie)

1. Does this narrative style teach us anything about "normal" storytelling and its relationship to Time? Why do we so often like/need stories to be chronological

2. Why is story-telling actually important to us as Human Beings?

3. How does Memento show the importance of Time with regard to how we conceptualize ourselves?

4. How does Memento show the importance of Time with regard to how we create meaning?

5. How does Memento show the importance of Time with regard to understanding truth?6. Teddy often tells Leonard, "You don't know who you are, you know who you were," and Leonard always disagrees. Is Teddy correct? Why or why not?

7. Leonard often reflects that he has purpose and drive (through finding John G) whereas Sammy Jenkins did not, and that is why Leonard can keep going. Does this need for a purpose and drive show that Leonard's relationship with the future is more important than his relationship to the past? Why or why not?

8. Leonard also reflects, "Without the experience of time, how can I heal?" We often hear the phrase, "Time heals all wounds," is that actually true? If so, how does Time heal wounds? (One way to look at it: Time heals wounds because it helps us forget. But in that case, it seems Leonard's biggest problem is an inability to forget the heaviness of past events. Leonard's problem is remembering, not forgetting).

9. We actually can distinguish three kinds of memory: long-term, medium-term, and short-term. Leonard has long-term memory, he has no medium-term memory, and he has short-term memory (i.e. when he speaks a sentence, he can reliably remember what he was saying at the beginning when he reaches the end of the sentence.) What kinds of memory do we need to have a "sense of self" or a "self-concept" (i.e. a conception of oneself)?

Reference no: EM133563524

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