Why do some groups have very low levels of cohesiveness

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Reference no: EM133487225


Why do some groups have very low levels of cohesiveness?

I personally think that some groups have a low level of cohesiveness not only due to poor management but differing ideas. As a manager, it is important to promote a team effort towards a common goal. This goal could be customer service, sales or even just generally getting along and working together. When the manager represents a poor opinion towards this topic it is tough for employees to mirror good collaboration. Secondly, differing ideas and work styles can effect how well a group collaborates. We are all different and have different ways to work. Some people work at a fast pace others slower. Some people are better at other tasks and poor in others. I have seen this in my own work environment by department managers holding good collaboration skills and keeping a positive work environment towards their employees. However due to differing beliefs and work styles in addition to a poor management image, employees can oftentimes argue about how and when work is being done and create toxic work environment.

In addition, some groups have a low level of cohesiveness because of a lack of common goals and mutual respect. If there is no collaboration towards a common goal this can lead to a lack of respect towards each other which can impede the forward motion in a work environment.

All in all lack of respect, poor management behavior and differing work styles can all lead to a lack of cooperation and cohesiveness in a work environment. It can also harbor a toxic work environment.

Reference no: EM133487225

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