Reference no: EM133627158
1. Review the Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the reading of the text, "Why Do Schools Exist?" (p. 270 in the text), and any other Learning Resources that can help you reflect on the purpose of school.
2. Complete the exercise "Where Do You Stand?" on pages 274-275 of the text. (You may print out these pages to make it easier to answer the questions and interpret your responses. You are not required to turn in the exercise as part of this Assignment.)
3. Reflect on your responses and what they indicate about your beliefs about the fundamental purpose of school: to transmit culture or to reconstruct society.
4. Consider any functions of school that you believe are not included among the 20 points in the exercise.
5. Think about how your beliefs about the purpose of school will influence your role as a teacher professional and your mission as a teacher change-maker. Consider the value of critical thinking as a teacher professional and how self-directed learning will have an impact on your teaching.
6. State your views on the purpose of school. Include at least two points that are not listed in the "Where Do You Stand?" exercise, and explain your reasoning.
7. Explain how your views about the purpose of school relate to your ideas about the role of a teacher professional. Include ways critical thinking and self-directed learning will support your role as a teacher professional.
8. Working from your concept of the purpose of school, state 2-3 goals for how you can embody the Walden goal of promoting positive change as a teacher-in transmitting culture or in reconstructing society.
9. Refer to the text and other resources this week to support your thinking. Be sure to cite all Learning Resources using APA style.
10. Sadker, D. M. & Zittleman, K. R., & Koch, M. (2022). Teachers, schools, and society: A brief introduction to education (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Chapter, "The Teaching Profession and You" (pp. 1-24)
Chapter, "Purposes of America's Schools and the Current Reform Movement" (pp. 269-301)
Chapter, "Becoming an Effective Teacher"
- "Are Teachers Born, or Made?" (pp. 352-362)
- "Reflective Teaching" (pp. 383-386)