Why do people cut or shave hair from their bodies

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Reference no: EM133521038

Step 1: In this module, you learned about the five main psychological domains and also covered some of the main perspectives in psychology. Think about some of the various perspectives you learned about (including psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, humanism, and the biological approach).

Step 2: Explain each of the three behaviors with a DIFFERENT perspective. Give a well-founded explanation of how a psychologist would explain that behavior from that particular perspective.
1. Why do people cut or shave hair from their bodies (and why does it vary by sex, age, groups, etc.)?
2. Why do children in an elementary school walk in a line when going to class?
3. Why are people physically aggressive towards each other (and why might males might be observed doing so more than females)?

Step 3: Write a summary paragraph about which psychological perspective most resonates with you, and why. If you were to practice psychology someday, either as a therapist, counselor, teacher, researcher, or in some other capacity, which perspective do you think you might emphasize?

Reference no: EM133521038

Questions Cloud

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Why do people cut or shave hair from their bodies : Why do children in an elementary school walk in a line when going to class and Why are people physically aggressive towards each other (and why might males
Provide cost estimates for the controls including policy : Provide cost estimates for the controls including policy or training controls. You can make up these values but try to justify at least ONE (1) of the costs
How does it connect to the organisation strategic plan : How does it connect to the organisation's strategic plan? What are 2 shortcomings of the plan (not so good)?
Explain why understanding dimensions of ethnic identity : Explain why understanding dimensions of ethnic identity is important for a social worker engaging with families.
What do you think of its discussion about evaluation : Examine how evaluation, reward, competition, and choice are operating in your classes you are taking or have taken before


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