Why do meats and products derived from animal fats

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133290406

Part 1:

Question 1. In the first paragraph of chapter 10, "new organic insecticides" are discussed. Does this make you question the safety of organic food? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.

Question 2. Describe the DDT case that went all the way to the Supreme Court but the court refused to hear the case.

Question 3. The case of the Waller farm highlighted the lack of consumer protection at the time. Do you think the United States is still lacking in consumer protection? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.

Question 4. Why was the U.S. Department of Agriculture's campaign against the fire ant "one of the most remarkable publicity campaigns" in the Department's history? What made this campaign so remarkable?

Question 5. Were there other ways to control the fire ants? Describe them and show a cost comparison for the Department of Agriculture's treatment versus the other potential methods.

Part 2:
Question 6. Search the internet for evidence of the continued promotion of chemicals. Describe at least one example and cite/link where you found this evidence.

Question 7. Why do meats and products derived from animal fats have the highest residues of chlorinated hydrocarbons?

Question 8. In what ways is the Food and Drug Administration limited in their ability to protect consumers against pesticides?

Question 9. Why are lab tested pesticide limits not adequate?

Question 10. How might tolerances be thought of as a way to authorize contamination?

Chapter 12

Question 11. Potentiation, first discussed in Chapter 3, is exemplified in humans by the interaction of organic phosphates and chlorinated hydrocarbons. How do these chemicals interact in the human body to make the effect of just one of the chemicals much worse?

Reference no: EM133290406

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