Why do concentrate on goffman-marx and durkheim

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133476579


Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich

Can you

  • Identify a video clip (from YouTube or elsewhere). Post the name and/or link in your discussion post.
  • Provide highlights of your video clip (What is the video clip about? Clarity is important!)
  • Discuss/Explain which paradigm is most represented in your video-clip.

What type of video should you select?

  • What type of video clip should you select? Videos that focus on drama, comedy, documentaries, personal videos, sports, game shows, education, sitcoms, politics, environment, protest, etc.
  • Do not select video-clips that concentrate on Goffman, Marx and Durkheim! Why? Because your analysis will emphasize their perspectives.
  • Video selection: Do not analyze the entire video. Identify a 2 or 3 minute clip (from your video) to analyze.
  • If your video clip is slightly longer than 3 minutes, this is o.k.

Reference no: EM133476579

Questions Cloud

What racial ideologies allowed mass deportation to happen : What racial ideologies allowed mass deportation to happen? What racial ideologies allowed Japanese internment to happen?
Read through the focus on ethics pierced : Read through the Focus on Ethics "Pierced" from p. 275 of the textbook. Consider the four proposed responses.
Can you share any current us based aspirational : Can you share any current US based aspirational and restrictionist social movements which embody your below suggestion?
Which of allied occupation of japan following world war : Which of the political, economic, social, or cultural changes wrought by the Allied occupation of Japan following World War II was most significant?
Why do concentrate on goffman-marx and durkheim : Do not select video-clips that concentrate on Goffman, Marx and Durkheim! Why? Because your analysis will emphasize their perspectives.
What is your favorite part of popular culture : What is your favorite part of Popular Culture?
Introduce the equal justice initiative : Find the website for the Equal Justice Initiative Navigate the the program's "About" section. Briefly introduce the Equal Justice Initiative.
Describe areas of distorted thinking about self : Identify and briefly describe 2 areas of distorted thinking about self, God or others that arise from a failure to accept good and bad.
What could be done modify way military handles its soldiers : What do you believe could be done to modify the way the military handles its soldiers and avoid acts of racism?


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