Why disintermediation might have been a problem for homejoy

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133466753


On the other hand, disintermediation is said to have impacted platforms such as Homejoy. It was an online platform that connected customers (e.g., homeowners, renters) with home service providers such as house cleaners and handypersons. The company was founded in 2010 and closed down in 2015.

(a) Based on the discussion in the lecture (as well as any other source), explain why disintermediation might have been a problem for Homejoy. Explain by focusing on one or more dimensions of the service offered by the platform.

(b) Given an example of another online platform in a different context where the problem of disintermediation is also particularly salient. Provide some details about the feature(s) of the platform and how they might be similar or different to Homejoy.

Reference no: EM133466753

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